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Digestive System

Total Digestive Time:: 12-48 hours 


Digestive System: It breaks down food so that the body can use its nutrients.

Villi - Tinny, finger-like projections on the lining of the small instines.


Note: Starchy foods will become sweeter in the mouth because the amylase in your saliava turns into glucose/sugar. 


How Your Mouth Breaks Down Food

Starch (whole piece of food) > Maltose (broken down in pieces) > Glucose (broken down into pieces even smaller so you can swallow food)


1871 Wilhem Kuhne invents the term "enzyme" to describe sunstances that accelerate chemical reactions.


Digestive Enzyme - The fluids produced by digestive glands which contain enzymes that break down food into simpler substances. 


Note: The stomach churns and crushes food in preparation for the absorption phase of digestion. 


Note: The main job of the large intestine is to absorb water.  

1833 - William Beaumont publishes the results of his experiments into the mechanisms of digestion. 

4 steps of digestion

1. Indigestion is when food is taken into the mouth, chewed & swallowed.

2. Digestion is when food is broken down by muscular crushing & enzymes. 

3. Absorbption is the moving of nutrients into the blood  (by villis).

4. Egestion is the ejectionof waste. 

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