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Study Guides/Tests
Most of the info below will be in the test that will be on October 6th, 2016. There may bonus questions that we do not know of, therefore, those will be the only things that are not on here.
Universe: The collection of all the matter, space, and energy that exists, also known as the COSMOS.
Galaxy: A body held together by gravity that is made of stars, gas, and dust.
Cluster: A group of galaxies that are found close together.
Supercluster: The largest structure in the Universe, composed of many galaxy clusters.
Star: A massive, hot, shining ball of gas.
Nebulae: A cloud of dust and gas found in space.
Black Hole: Formed by a collapsed star, has a very strong gravitational pull.
Constellation: The pattern that a group of stars seems to make in the sky.
Planetarium: A device used to project images of the stars or depict the solar system.
Zodiac: The twelve constellations through which the sun, moon, and planets appear to move.
Content Questions
The Universe
How can we see other galaxies?
- How many do we know about?
How do astronomers measure distances in the universe?
What does everything in the universe do?
What is the name of the galaxy our solar system is in?
How are galaxies classified?
What are two things that astronomers believe help to determine the shape of a galaxy?
Describe the typical active galaxy.
Which cluster of galaxies does the Milky Way belong to?
What does light coming from a star tell an astronomer about a star?
Name three types of energy that are produced by a star.
How does a star's mass affect it?
Name two characteristics that are common to all stars/
What are the two types of star clusters?
Explain both.
What happens to the core of a star when it dies?
Why are the constellations Ursa Major and Ursa Minor called the Big Dipper and the Little Dipper?
Tell the story of the two bears in your own words.
What are some other names for the constellation Ursa Major?
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